
Ramon Bosch and Bet Capdeferro are architects who graduated from ETSA Barcelona - UPC-Barcelona TECH in 2000 and 1999 respectively. In 2003, they founded bosch.capdeferroarquitectura in their hometown of Girona. Their professional activity has always been combined with their teaching experience at ETSAB - UPC Barcelona Tech, ETH Zurich, EPS - Universitat de Girona, Cornell University, New York, and Washington University in Saint Louis.

Their work has received national and international recognition, having been awarded the Emerging Prize of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Prize, the FAD Architecture Prize of the Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, the Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism Prize or the Architecture Prize of the Superior Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain, among others.

In 2012, they were selected to take part in the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale and their work was part of the Unfinished exhibition at the 2016 Spanish Pavilion, winner of the Golden Lion at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale.