FreeConvergent ProgrammeSpecial ProjectsExhibition
Criptopórtico do Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro



17 MAY–15 SEPT, Wed–Sun 11:00–19:00

Criptopórtico do Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro

R. Arnado 34
All AudiencesFree

Curated by: Círculo Artes Plásticas de Coimbra

Institutional Partner: Coordenação Nacional das Políticas de Saúde Mental

Opening: 18:00

This is an exhibition about the conquest/right of individual identity in the public space, conceived from 1000 terracotta busts made by users of the Pisão social center and the rescue of José Luís Neto's 22474 and 22475 photographic series.

Fernando Fadigas proposes a sound composition for the exhibition Insomnia at the Machado de Castro National Museum. With recordings made in the cryptoporticus of Aeminium, a symbol of the Roman Empire in Coimbra, he explores phantasmagorias and some sound textures intentionally deposited on supports such as vinyl records and magnetic tape, in a short live sound piece to inaugurate and accompany the work 22474 and 22475 by photographer José Luís Neto and the installation of 1000 terracotta busts. The piece composed especially for the occasion will be broadcast in the space and continuously throughout the exhibition.Translated with (free version)

Patients and collaborators of CACI (Casa do Sol do Centro de Apoio Social do Pisão) who took part in the project:


Ana Luísa Camargo

António Ribeiro Campos

António Machado

Arménio Varela

Benta Miranda

Bruno Costa

Davidson Semedo

Domingos Cagembe

Eduardo Oliveira

Fátima Oliveira

Fernando Araújo

João Pedro Coelho

Jorge Fialho

José Henriques Teles

Lucília Sá

Luis Gonçalves

Maria Conceição Oliveira

Mariza Teixeira

Miguel Ângelo

Rodrigo Inácio

Raquel Vieira

Tiago Viveiros

Vitor Estêvão


Gisele Petrina

Maksum Gonçalves

Paula Guerreiro