FreeBienal ProgrammeConcert
Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Nova

Closing Programme: Concert Hatis Noit

Closing Programme: Concert Hatis Noit

30 JUN, 19:00

Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Nova

Calçada Santa Isabel
All AudiencesFree

Music is the language that can translate the sensations, feelings and memories of love.

Hatis Noit

Deeply rooted and, at the same time, capable of transporting us to different territories, temporalities and cultural expressions, Hatis Noit is an artist with a unique career. Born in Shiretoko, on the island of Hokkaido in Japan, her name has a special meaning in Japanese culture and translates as the stem of the lotus flower, the channel that connects two different worlds. It is this ability to unite matter and spirit that Hatis Noit attributes to music.

In her performances, we find references to Bulgarian voices, various traditional vocal techniques from Asia Minor and various operatic styles, with Japanese Gagaku playing a prominent role. Her music transports us to the world of pre-language, shifting the focus from the word to the sound of the human voice, which, for Hatis Noit, is the primordial and instinctive instrument that connects us to the essence of humanity, nature and the universe.
