Peço a palavra!
24 ABR–20 MAI, Mon, wed, thu, 15:00–20:00 Tue, fri, 15:00–18:00 Sat, 9:30–16:00
Exhibition of original stripes from the 1969 academic struggles.
Based on a revisiting of Alberto Martins' speech at the inauguration of the Mathematics building at the University of Coimbra, in which students demanded a fairer country in which they wanted to be actors, which led to the student struggles of 1969, TUMO is organising this exhibition that reinforces its main mission: the empowerment of students and the self-determination of their tumonauts.
Curated by Círculo Artes Plásticas de Coimbra/TUMO Coimbra
Incluindo a Liberdade & Geração da Liberdade
13, 29 MAY 2024, 17:30
Entre espaços – O Fantasma da Liberdade em duas obras da Fundação Altice
05 APR–30 SEPT , Tue–sun
19 APR, 21:30
Anatomical Folding Book
05 APR–30 JUN, Mon–Fri
Podcast – Auto das Ciganas, de Gil Vicente
5 APR, 11:00
Auto das Ciganas, de Gil Vicente
06 APR–30 JUN, Wed–sun
ANOZERO ÁGORA: Liberdade e Fantasia
13–18 MAY, 14:00–19:00